Other Ways to Give
Now Accepting Holiday Shoppe Donations!!
Our annual Hope and Healing for the Holidays event will take place this December. We will be hosting a Holiday Shoppe for families whose children have received a forensic interview at our Center this year in order to ensure that every child has a special holiday season. We know that trauma can impact even the most magical time of the year, so we are asking for your help. Please consider running a toy/gift drive or putting a collection box in your lobby or place or business, or asking places you frequent to put out a box. You can see our clients’ holiday wish list, here, and purchase gifts that will be sent directly to the CAC.
There are now collection boxes available around Tucson! If you’d like to drop a gift off for us, find our boxes at:
– Faraday Copper, Hudbay, Tucson Racquet Club, Gaslight Theatre, Fleet Feet NW & East, Isle of Games, Desert Toyota, Republic Services, Jack Furrier – all locations!, Cemex – all locations!, Valley Animal Hospital, Kino Complex, Face Time Aesthetics, Oro Valley Community Center, Oro Valley Police Station, and Deus Church.
A great big THANK YOU to these organizations for partnering with us!!
Contact Alan Michaels, Director of Fund Development, to receive a box or discuss partnership possibilities! amichaels@soazadvocacy.or
Time to get creative!
There are many ways to contribute to the Children’s Advocacy Center, and they don’t have to be in the usual, run-of-the-mill ways. Below are some innovative ideas, use one of these, or develop one of your own! Contact us to see how your plans will fit with our current needs.
Hold a Gift Card Drive
Most of the families we see are struggling financially, and the food a child eats will often have an effect on their ability to cope with a traumatic experience. Sugary, processed convenience/fast food can cause problems with mood swings and make symptoms of traumatic stress worse. Being able to offer grocery store gift cards to families in need helps to ensure that the children will receive healthy, nutritious food as they begin their healing process.
Transportation can often be an issue for our clients, and we want to remove any barriers to their healing by providing gas cards and bus passes to enable them to get to important appointments.
We also like to be able to offer families gift cards for experiences that the family may not be able to do on their own – whether it be an ice cream trip, movie night or Target run! It helps bring some normalcy to the lives of our kids who are living under anything but normal circumstances.
Have a Party
Instead of receiving personal gifts for you or your child’s birthday, Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah, graduation, anniversary, or other special occasion, or if you are just having a big party with lots of friends, encourage your party guests to bring a monetary donation or a gift for a child instead.
Or, give your party a theme – gifts for teenagers, summer items like beach towels and bathing suits, bed linens, clothing for young children, or sporting equipment – you decide or contact us directly to find out what is most needed.
Community Fundraising Events
Make the Children’s Advocacy Center the recipient of proceeds from a fundraising event you plan, staff, and hold. Community Fundraising Events to benefit the Children’s Advocacy Center might include a Children’s Art Show & Sale, donation table for the Center at the opening of a Restaurant, Children’s Advocacy Center Night at various restaurants (a percent of the night’s proceeds are donated), company golf tournaments, quilting bees, and Casino/Poker parties. This is your chance to be creative. Contact us for more information and to receive a copy of our Community Fundraising Event agreement.
Arizona Gives Day
Arizona Gives Day is a powerful 24 hour online giving movement that unites Arizonans around causes they believe in. Hosted by the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits and the Arizona Grantmakers Forum, Arizona Gives Day is a great way for nonprofits, large and small, new and established, to generate excitement and resources for their mission, learn how to use new digital tools and fundraising strategies, and connect to the community and donors.