Building more resilient families and communities.
Prevention Education & Outreach
Prevent Abuse
The Children’s Advocacy Center offers a variety of training and outreach programs to help strengthen families, prevent child abuse & neglect, and build more resilient communities.
We also offer training on Mandatory Reporting Law, including signs and indicators of child abuse.
For more information or to schedule any of the trainings mentioned below, please contact Sarah Reed, Training & Community Outreach Coordinator, at 520-724-6600 OR

Protective Factor Trainings
These trainings are for parents, caregivers, and professionals, and cover the 5 Protective Factors for strengthening families. The 5 Protective Factors are:
- Parental Resilience
- Social Connections
- Knowledge of Parenting & Child Development
- Concrete Supports in Times of Need
- Social-Emotional Competence in Children
Learn more at the CTF Alliance Website. Classes offered on an on-going basis. Available in English and Spanish.

Stewards of Children
A training for all parents, caregivers and professionals who want to learn more about how to prevent, recognize, and react to child sexual abuse.
This course uses real life stories to show you how to protect children through teaching body safety, being an active bystander, and recognizing red flag behaviors.
Read more about the Stewards of Children program on their website. Available in English and Spanish.

Mandatory Reporting
Mandated reporters include all individuals who interact with children and youth in a volunteer or professional capacity. This course includes:
- Information about Arizona Mandated Reporting laws.
- How to Recognize signs of child abuse and neglect.
- How to Respond to suspected child abuse and neglect.
- How to Report suspected child abuse and neglect, as well as what happens after a report.
Or Request an In-person training.

Professional Development
The CAC offers professional development trainings to staff and volunteers serving families. We currently offer the following either in-person or virtually:
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
- Mental Health Awareness
- The Neurobiology of Trauma
- Post-Traumatic Growth
- Psychological First Aid
- QPR Suicide Prevention
- “Resilience” film showing (see the trailer)
- Safe Sleep
- The Impact of Toxic Stress
- Trauma-Informed Care
SAYF Council
The Children’s Advocacy Center is home to the Southern Arizona Youth and Family Council, also known as the Child Abuse Prevention Council of Southern Arizona. This Council is made up of representatives from organizations across five Southern Arizona counties (Pima, Cochise, Santa Cruz, Greenlee, and Graham) who come together to collaborate on programs, outreaches, and trainings to strengthen our communities and prevent child abuse and neglect.
For more information, visit us on Facebook.